Serving Brooklyn Center, Crystal and New Hope We Make Recycling Easy

Organics Recycling

About one-third of our trash is organic materials, including food, food-soiled paper, and certified compostable products, that could be composted. Organics recycling is the best opportunity to reduce our trash and put it to better use. Hennepin County's organics recycling guide (PDF) features the list of materials accepted for organics recycling.

You have multiple options to recycle your organics:

Curbside Collection

Sign up online to begin curbside organics recycling service. If you sign up by March 9 carts will be delivered the week of March 24, 2025 with weekly service beginning the week of March 31, 2025. Service will be the same day of the week as your garbage and recycling. Sign ups after March 9 will receive carts in mid-April.




Visit our FAQs page for answers to your Frequently Asked Questions



Use the free organics drop-off at the Crystal Cove Aquatics Center, 4848 Douglas Drive, Crystal. Use this form to register and we'll send you details. Organics must be in BPI-certified compostable bags or paper shopping bags.

Organics recycling from households and businesses is accepted at no charge at the Hennepin County Drop-Off Facility, 8100 Jefferson Highway, Brooklyn Park. Organics can be dropped off Tuesday through Saturday. Organics must be in BPI-certified compostable bags or paper shopping bags.  

For more information email or call 763-493-8006