Maple Grove Yard Waste SiteHRG provides Brooklyn Center, Crystal, and New Hope residents a convenient drop-off site for grass, leaves, brush and tree branches less than ten inches in diameter. The cost of using the site is paid through the "Recycling Service" fee on your utility bill. Residents must show their drivers license or ID for proof of residency. There is no charge at the gate.
Where: Maple Grove Yard Waste Site 10300 Maple Grove Parkway, Maple Grove, MN 763-420-4886 When: Apr. 1 through Nov. 30 (weather permitting) Monday-Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Empty your material out of the bags or other containers you use to bring the material to the Site and take the bags and containers with you. Reuse them if possible. Non-reusable bags go in your trash at home, never in your recycling cart. Contact your garbage hauler for specific information about fees and acceptable bags/containers for yard waste pick-up at your curb. |